Dedicated to inspiring brands and making positive change.

Brands that inspire

Get to Know LRobInspires

LRobInspires is a passionate team of diverse marketing and design professionals. We help nonprofits, small businesses, and emerging brands that are making a difference. For nearly thirty years, our founder has been a leader in implementing strategic brand and marketing programs. Today, she is dedicated to inspiring brands to successfully grow, increase awareness and make positive change. We’d like to introduce you to our fearless leader and the source of so much of our inspiration. Liz Robinson explains what makes  LRobInspires so extraordinary.

LRobInspires Team: The word inspire is obviously really important in your messaging. Could you describe or explain what it means to inspire your clients and what you do to inspire them?

Liz Robinson: I love watching our clients’ reaction at the moment we identify, together, what their true purpose is. That is truly inspirational for me and for all of us as a team. When we have the ability to take that and tell the world their story, it’s just awesome. So, we inspire our clients with ideas, solutions, and creativity, but we also inspire the stories of change, the courage to take new steps, empowering our clients and giving them hope to raise enough money to make a difference.

In terms of what we do, a big piece of that is processing and understanding our clients’ visions and their goals. Learning as much as we can about their audiences and the people that can help them reach their goals, and then delivering whatever that may be, whether it’s assets, tools, content strategy, we’re here to help them amplify their purpose and make their goals a reality.

LRobInspires Team: Before starting LRobInspires, you were an executive at a number of different firms, most of them large organizations, could you talk about what experiences from that chapter of your career you are able to bring to LRobInspires and to your clients who are start-ups?

Liz Robinson: My number one answer, across the board, is team. I’ve had the pleasure of working with so many unbelievably talented individuals, and from my various roles, I’ve been fortunate to build creative and brand and marketing teams. I often get to hand pick from the cream of the crop to work with LRobInspires, so it’s amazing when you choose from top talent. Everyone is willing to adjust or to apply their skills to small companies or nonprofits.

Secondly, I have personally had the amazing opportunity to learn from some of the top agencies and strategists in the country. Since the large firms I’ve worked for hired the top agencies and strategists and teams, I have worked with and managed some of the brightest minds. I have learned from them and taken their wisdom and applied it to the work we do for our clients, so our clients are getting top-notch expertise for a value they can’t find anywhere else.

LRobInspires Team: That makes me wonder, do you notice a difference in your own motivation or in your team’s motivation working with LRobInspires as opposed to working for a larger financial or marketing firm?

Liz Robinson: Absolutely. The reality is, and rightly so, when you’re working for a large firm, their bottom line, their biggest goal is return on investment. They want to make money. I can guarantee it’s not money for me or the people that work with me. It’s all about the passion and purpose we have for cause and change. My desire really is to make a difference in the world, and it took me a really long time to figure out that part of my talent could do that by partnering with organizations that are geared toward making such incredible, meaningful impacts in the lives of their audiences; that’s what I have tapped into. I want to help them and I’m certain everyone on my team feels the same way.

LRobInspires Team: Could you give us a little glimpse into what kind of work your clients are doing?

Liz Robinson: With pleasure! They’re all on a mission to do good, from some amazing nonprofits who are dedicated to giving hope to Haiti, or bringing hidden children in Uganda out into the light, or preventing heart disease and failure in Rwanda, to teaching illiterate populations in Pakistan and so much more. Then there are the small women-led businesses who are teaching the world about fair trade, building new innovative applications for engineers and pharmaceuticals, building homes that simply make families feel good when they’re living in them. There are start-ups that we’re working with who are trying to collaborate to find a cure for the deadliest cancers, and others who help families on their journeys to college. We also work with coaches who have left corporate America to better serve individuals who are in search of a better future and healthier way of life for themselves. What is there to not feel good about?! It is a privilege and an honor to work with all of these organizations.

LRobInspires Team: How are you able to bring together so many different marketing disciplines under one umbrellas, meaning: insight, strategy, design, integration, production, and activation?

Liz Robinson: I could come in and give them a template marketing solution, but I would prefer to know who they are, what they’re doing, and who they’re trying to reach. Let’s all learn what we can to uncover the true purpose so they audience can be best served and then, from a strategy perspective, let’s put all that insight to work and create a foundation of a powerful brand that will stand out in a crowd, communicate effectively, and motivate others.

When the strategy is clear, we make it sing. No matter where people see your brand, you’re going to want them to recognize it straight away and remember it. Making it beautiful, making it hardcore, and designing it to really pop, is key. That’s the design and development, then comes integration. What I mean by that is that every single channel needs to deliver your message concisely and consistently, whether it’s on a website, in an email, newsletter, or blog. We get it out on social media for all to take part in, and then my favorite part is if you’re going to do all of this and spend your time and money on something this important, activate it right. Activate your brand, launch it or expand it in a memorable fashion so everybody’s talking about it, and don’t just stop there! That piece is great, but it’s important to keep going. Working with us to keep the noise up and amplify your message on a regular and consistent basis and know that we know how to do all of that really well and pull in all the right experts in each of these areas so that we can put all the pieces together and really make it work.

LRobInspires Team: What does success look like for your clients?

Liz Robinson: When I first take a client that we need to start with a brand strategy workshop, because that’s how we help them find and understand their purpose. The very first big win is always seeing teams come together and get super excited because they know the journey they are on and they’re all united in their vision. It’s really so important.

Second, success means we’re growing their audience. Small businesses and nonprofits often rely on the people they know, and that group gets tapped, and if it gets tapped enough, you’ve almost reached a limit. So, when I say amplify, we must help all of them reach more people and get as many people sharing their awesome purpose, whether it be setting up an advocate program or donor program. Loyalty to their brand is key in getting everybody to tell their friends and family and so on so pretty soon, everybody wants to take part.

Third, success is when our clients see return on their investment. If they’re making an investment with us, whether it’s through donations or through new sales, through acquisition, and new partnerships, or an audience, that’s grown from one thing into another, small to big. It’s not instant and I want to be very transparent with that. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it will happen. I’ve witnesses a strong message with a strategic delivery plan more than double results when executed properly.

LRobInspires Team: Could you talk about why a small agency like yours is better than a large firm?

Liz Robinson: I would say, in most cases, it feels like we are a friend versus a short-term hire. We take your passion and your vision extremely seriously, like it was our own. We don’t just inspire our clients, they inspire us, and their teams inspire us. We’re all in. Taking the time to get to know each client very individually and getting to know their audiences specifically gives us an edge. Your audience will tell you what they want and what they expect from your brand, and when you deliver it, they become loyal.

LRobInspires Team: What do you think your clients believe the differentiator is?

Liz Robinson: The personal attention, the expertise, and the award-winning delivery at an unbelievable value, and then the fun. We are a real, passionate, and fun-loving team, and this process should be fun and inspirational.

LRobInspires Team: How do you communicate with your clients?

Liz Robinson: Openly, honestly, and in whatever format they want. We typically have weekly client meetings, status meetings where we update them on the status of their projects, show them work that has been completed, bounce ideas off each other, and agree on next steps. That very much is what we want to do. We invite them to our project platform and give them full access to integrated calendars and timelines, so they can see the work in progress. We have a great process but, to be honest, each client gets their own custom communication approach that works for them.

LRobInspires Team: What role does the client play in the branding and marketing process?

Liz Robinson: As I mentioned earlier, we’re all a team. We want them to be vested in the work we do. If they want to be hands-on, we welcome it because, it helps us learn more about their business quicker. They are the experts of their business, so working alongside them at the appropriate moments is very helpful. On the other hand, if our clients would rather us just do the work and they approve it or critique it, that works incredibly well too. Their vision and purpose become ours and we need to hear it from them from the very beginning and along the journey, so we get it right and they feel proud about what they’re showing.

LRobInspires Team: What is your vision for LRobInspires 10 years from now?

Liz Robinson: The clients we serve are simply amazing. In ten years or five years or two, if we can say that through the work we’ve done and that we do with our clients has truly had an impact on the world, that we’ve helped make a difference to so many great causes and of course that we’ve inspired brands to be all that they can be, that’s good for me. It’s not about the money, it’s about inspiring others and changing the world for the better.

LRobInspires Team: If someone has the opportunity to learn one thing about LRobInspires, what would you want them to know?

Liz Robinson: We care. We truly take on the passion and purpose of our clients. We don’t say yes to everyone, we work with those that appreciate what we have to offer, how hard we work, and that our purpose is to inspire them to keep making the great difference in the world that they’re making.

LRobInspires Team: What are some of the challenges you face at LRobInspires?

Liz Robinson: Wanting to give too much is probably the biggest challenge and acknowledging that sometimes, not everything works on the first try. I’m learning that progress and purpose need to be more important than perfection. It’s not realistic to think that everything will just work but the effort and expertise will pay off in time.

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The LRobInspires Blog

LRobInspires is determined to move meaningful missions forward and create effective solutions to have the greatest impact.

Our clients’ missions inspire us and deserve to be seen and heard. Take a look at some inspirational work.


November – Making the Case for Giving Tuesday

This October, LRobInspires is emphasizing the importance of supporting women owned small businesses with insights from their like-minded partner, Leadership MetroWest.

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October – National Women’s Small Business Month

This October, LRobInspires is emphasizing the importance of supporting women owned small businesses with insights from their like-minded partner, Leadership MetroWest.

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Spreading Awareness – World Alzheimer’s Month

This World Alzheimer's Month, LRobInspires is raising awareness of Alzheimer's and dementia by providing readers resources for education and care.

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