Jou Nouvo - Creole for “new day”
Liz’s first major interaction with Jou Nouvo was one for the books as she was able to organize a virtual donor event that brought in $100,000—nearly quadrupling the profits from the previous year.
Brands that inspire
There will be a new day in Haiti.
In fact, the beautiful people of this country are already championing and executing this hopeful declaration themselves by creating opportunities where there otherwise weren’t. One notable group putting their heart and soul’s effort into the belief that Haiti has better days ahead is the non-profit organization, Jou Nouvo.
Creole for “new day,” Jou Nouvo is seeing this simple yet weighty statement come to pass through the enactment of their mission to deliver whole-life improvement to their local community in Bon Repos, Haiti. Our team at LRob Inspires considers it one of our highest privileges to support the vision of this galvanizing and impactful organization.
The relationship between Jou Nouvo and LRobInspires is one that is extra special.
Years before LRob Inspires was established, our founder, Liz Robinson, spent over 30 years working in the corporate marketing industry. Toward the latter part of her experience, Liz began considering the idea of using her extensive strategic branding and marketing know-how for the benefit of non-profit organizations, small businesses, and start-ups. During this time, Liz was introduced to Kerline Tofuri, Founder and President, and John Huycke, Chairman of the Board. With Tofuri and Huycke’s encouragement, Liz gained the vision she needed to finalize the decision to use her skills to work with nonprofits. Enter: Jou Nouvo.
When Liz began working alongside Jou Nouvo, their team consisted of eight passionate employees seeking to establish sustainability and experience continued growth in their initiatives and overall impact. At this time, in 2020, Jou Nouvo was seeking to increase its influence and financial impact as an organization.
The Foundation for a Safe Haven in Bon Repos
This substantial revenue was used to build a community center (with a library, technology room, kitchen, common meeting area, and more) in Bon Repos that serves as a hub for the continuance of Jou Nouvo’s efforts. No small feat, this success compelled the Jou Nouvo team to place Liz on their board of directors. Since we started working together, Jou Nouvo has grown to have an employee base of 21 individuals. This organizational growth directly (and positively, of course) affects the work that Jou Nouvo has been able to accomplish within the community of Bon Repos.
United in Mission and Cause
The LRobInspires team has been able to guide Jou Nouvo into pinpointing its unique purpose, solidifying its identity, and improving its marketing efforts. Potentially of most importance, LRobInspires has witnessed the team at Jou Nouvo unite with genuine passion around their cause. Achieving clarity as an organization has resulted in the successful fulfillment of the second part of its mission — that is, building a foundation of knowledge that has allowed them to provide opportunities for stability and enrichment that bolster hope, empower economic improvement, and create a sense of new certainty.
Establishing a Cycle of Hope
Speaking of accomplishments, Liz credits Jou Nouvo’s operational strategy—what she has coined and marketed as a “Cycle of Hope”—for success. In brief, the Cycle of Hope starts by educating parents while simultaneously finding sponsors in the United States who are willing to support the children of those adults so that they too may continue school, all the way through college. At this rate, the parents become literate, and their children become educated entrepreneurs who are then able to generate and contribute to positive growth within their local community. This cycle causes the otherwise stagnant (close to non-existent) economy in Bon Repos to develop—as this cycle perpetuates, the community will soon be propelled out of abject poverty, on their own accord. The Jou Nouvo team at large (staff, donors, LRobInspires, etc.) has united around this highly effective model, allowing for a more significant and sustainable impact in Bon Repos than ever imagined.
A Team of Passionate Experts
The team at LRobInspires is passionate about seeing non-profits like Jou Nouvo succeed—both in their mission and in becoming a highly recognized organization so their mission can continually be supported by invested partners. Liz and her team know that such success isn’t achieved by well wishes or haphazard social media posts; it is primarily achieved with intentional strategic marketing and strong knowledgeable leadership. Liz now regularly advises non-profits (and the like) to have someone with marketing expertise on their board.
Don’t Give Up on Haiti
As a final note, we leave you with a hope-filled statement from Liz herself: ”Don’t give up on Haiti. There is so much promise that lives there amongst the people. As evidenced by Jou Nouvo’s impact to date, they are destined to push through.” It is LRobInspires’ biggest desire for this sentiment to ring true for all mission-minded non-profits across the globe whom they are able to partner with and support.