Our Interns: Experience from Within

people that inspire

Get to know our interns and learn more about their internship from their personal perspective!

Hello everyone, my name is Reese! Working with LRobInspires for the last month so far has been nothing short of well…Inspiring! I have had the opportunity to learn so much and obtain real-world experience unheard of for many my age. I am grateful for this opportunity thus far and I am always ready to learn more.  

Throughout this internship, I had a concentration in working with the MicroLoan Foundation USA (MLF USA). If you are unfamiliar, this outstanding organization provides microfinance loans to struggling women in the African countries of Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi, so that they can grow the economy and local businesses in their communities. With these loans comes financial and leadership training and on-the-ground connections that are truly impactful. In working with MLF USA, I have been learning more about target audiences, the consumer journey, and the analytical and data side of marketing. I worked with my team to create a presentation of Audience Personas for the organization to highlight demographics that predict future success. Following this presentation, I have worked to highlight the consumer journey and analyze the social media of MLF USA to promote outreach and increase followers.  

In addition to my work with the MicroLoan Foundation, I have learned so much from the LRobInspires team. The three of us interns are delighted every time a member of the team reaches out a hand and shows us the ropes of a new aspect of marketing! We have had the chance to learn more about graphic design and Canva, UTM codes, and more.  

I am so glad that I have had the opportunity to explore my interests with this internship!

Hello everyone, my name is Ava! For the past couple of months, I have had the honor of being an intern at LRobInspires, and with this time, I’ve come to learn so much about teamwork, marketing, and the wonderful things you can do in this field. With my love for social media, content creation, and video editing, I found myself in the very fitting role of a College Raptor brand ambassador, creating weekly posts that share and promote info about the site’s helpful tools for the college search, financial aid, scholarships, and more. College Raptor has done so much for me as a senior amid the college process. It’s been fulfilling to be able to stand behind a site that I fully support while also having the ability to be creative and use my skills in marketing. It has made this experience both so educational and enjoyable for me. So far, I have created posts on TikTok and Instagram, with both videos and stories getting incredible engagement. Some with over 1,100 views! 

 In addition to my work with College Raptor, I am always learning and growing thanks to everyone on the LRobInspires team. One thing I’ve quickly learned is being in an internship is not easy and the same goes for the professional world. With this experience and the wonderful women I got to learn from every day, I’ve developed even stronger time management and organizational skills, and gotten a taste of professional expectations, making me more prepared than ever for what my future holds! 

With this experience and the wonderful women I got to learn from every day, I’ve developed even stronger time management and organizational skills, and gotten a taste of professional expectations, making me more prepared than ever for what my future holds!

Working hard to meet standards every day, I’m ready for any and all challenges thanks to the preparation and support I’ve been given!

Hello everyone! My name is Lucie. In my time working with the team at LRobInspires, I’ve learned everything from basic communication to leading projects. In a spur-of-the-moment opportunity for an internship, Ava, Reese and I have made the most of our time with the ‘barketing team’, accumulating an incredible work experience that prepares us high-school girls for the realities of adult jobs. In the last month or so, I have been working with a non-profit organization by the name of Jou Nouvo, meaning “New Day” in Haitian Creole. Based in the town of Bon Repos, Haiti, Jou Nouvo is a donation-run community center that has established a variety of programs supporting both children’s and adult education. I have been able to increase activity on their website and outreach by creating social media content, articles, and more. From interviews with the staff located in Haiti and others helping around the world, I have been provided an amazing opportunity to be an outside influence and an active volunteer to promote the ever-strong efforts of this organization. Along with my continuous work with Jou Nouvo, there’s always time to learn and grow my marketing skills with the LRobInspires team. From educational sessions on media and project platforms to creating hilarious or heartwarming content for the LRob archives, I’ve developed stronger time management skills and communication habits, and I’ve just dipped my toes into the ocean that is the business world. Working hard to meet standards every day, I’m ready for any and all challenges thanks to the preparation and support I’ve been given!

From the three of us interns, this Internship Awareness Month, we want to say THANK YOU! We are forever grateful for your support and kindness.   

Feeling #Inspired with LRobInspires! 

Reese, Ava, and Lucie, the entire team at LRobInspires is so proud of all that you’ve achieved! We know you are going to do so well in your endeavors and wish you our best wishes.

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