Inward Reflection Yields Outward Wisdom

By Phyllis Smith

The July Women Inspiring Women call wrapped up an 18-month run of a group of varied yet like-minded women getting together every third Friday to share and discover. On the July call the attendees walked through a recap of all the calls highlighting our favorite moments. Every session has been a way for me to take stock of my goals and intentions as I navigate my career change and simply live my life. The July session also featured guest speaker Cassie Halstead, a gifted yoga therapy provider, who shared some deep meditations to take us into our inner awareness. She held space for us to pause and take a moment to go inward, allowing our thoughts and breath to settle. It was a gift of stillness for me in the midst of a busy summer, as the WIW calls have been a gift all the way along. 

Got Bliss? Working through the 5 Koshas

Cassie led us through the yogic concept of the Koshas representing the layers of our bodies. As she helped us feel and identify each depth—physical, energetic, mind, inner knowing, and bliss—she asked us to start developing a relationship with each sensation we felt. This is both the process and the goal of self-awareness. It was a lovely excursion and brought us all some deep peace. Developing a sense of inner knowing can help you discover what you need when you are depleted and how to give yourself the correct nourishment.

How I found what I needed through WIW 

When I resigned from my software job I quoted Mary Oliver in my good-bye letter. “What will you do with your one wild and precious life?” I was asking myself that as I walked away from my steady paycheck, daily structure, and a built-in community, but also away from a job where I felt emotionally drained and not up for any kind of challenge. During a particular grueling meeting right before I resigned, I wrote down what I would look for in a new job: 

Some opportunity for in-person togetherness without a long commute 

  • Surprisingly during Covid, I missed seeing people and going into an office. 

Small team size to allow for better connection

  • One disadvantage of managing a cross-functional team was that I was having short interactions with a variety of people during the day, rather than having in-depth time with a focused team. 

Chance to share my creativity and sense of humor 

  • My job as a project manager was very cut and dry and didn’t allow for much creativity. Also, unfortunately, the pace and online nature of the work limited those times when I could be silly or make jokes.

Connection & Community

I found all of these elements and more when I reconnected with Liz Robinson of LRobInspires.  Through my blogging on the WIW calls, I discovered an intimate community who appreciated my own special brand of creative energy Starting on this writing journey also provided important elements which I hadn’t listed that frustrating day because I hadn’t realized how important they are:  

  • People who know how to, and value, collaboration. 
  • The knowledge that I’m not alone—not as I walk through this particular phase of my life but really that I’m not alone ever. No matter what I’m dealing with, especially if I’m not dealing with it skillfully or feeling bad about it, there are people out there who understand and are in fact, handling the exact same thing. 
  • Ability to add new tools to my toolbox. Spending time talking deeply about an issue and hearing how other people view the issue opens your eyes. How many times on these calls did I or someone say, “I’ve never thought of it that way”? Wow. This feels great, and the next day, I can apply that new perspective to the issue or even a different one. 
  • How to ask for and get guidance and how to receive support. The time I have spent listening to the women who have joined the WIW calls has made me realize that forgiveness for yourself and others, as we all fumble our way through life, is a gift. I’ve heard this quality called grace—something I’ve witnessed on every single call with WIW. 


Cassie talked about using your yoga, breathwork, or meditation practice to cultivate calm in your life and find balance. As I mentioned in a previous blog I would add writing to this list. Attending the WIW calls, taking notes while listening and participating, and then crafting a story reflecting my own personal impressions on the content has become a practice itself.  



So, what’s next? 

When I heard that Liz and Shannon have decided to pause the WIW calls for the moment I immediately started to think about: 

  • What I would write about in this blog  
  • How I would continue my writing practice 


I’m moving on to developing my community on Substack with weekly posts and a regular newsletter. Substack also provides a forum called Notes which allows short thought bursts and restacks to invite feedback and gain connections. My first step is to develop a curriculum of my topics and then a publishing schedule. It is going to be a fun and challenging effort but the confidence I have developed working on the short pieces for WIW have jumpstarted a deep commitment to sharing my writing. 

And over to you!

These blogs have been special to me, but I recognize it was a group effort behind the scenes…The team at LRobInspires has done an amazing job of taking my feedback blogs and adding Search Engine Optimization (SEO), crafting catchy graphics and even smoothing out my headlines and stream of conscious writing. I want to extend my praise and gratitude for their assistance over the last year.  

As I wrap up this particular blog, I am asking myself: How will I go out and be an inspiration? How will I find new connections to inspire? How will I keep myself inspired? I will share my answers on my Substack and on LinkedIn! Come join me… 



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